Mina provider dashboard API doc

Information is updated every 60 seconds


Data types, default values

class Provider:
    provider_id:            int   = 0    # Unique provider ID
    provider_title:         str   = ""
    provider_address:       str   = ""
    provider_fee:           float = 0.0
    provider_logo:          str   = ""   # Link to provider logo
    address_verification:   int   = 0    # Confirming the validator address by sending a transaction with a specific memo
    staked_sum:             int   = 0    # The amount of delegated coins to the staking provider (for the current epoch)
    stake_percent:          float = 0.0  # Percentage of the provider's stake, relative to the total supply
    delegators_num:         int   = 0    # Number of delegates
    payout_terms:           str   = ""   # Payment terms of the provider. Example: "1 / epoch" - payment once per epoch
    website:          str = ""
    discord_username: str = ""
    discord_group:    str = ""
    telegram:         str = ""
    twitter:          str = ""
    email:            str = ""
    github:           str = ""